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Title: các phím tắt hay dùng của Photoshop
Post by: saos@ngmo on 30/12/06, 03:14
File Menu


1. New Document
1. Ctrl+N

2. Open Document
2. Ctrl+O

3. Browse
3. Shift+Ctrl+O

4. Open As
4. Alt+Ctrl+O

5. Close
5. Ctrl+W

6. Close All
6. Ctrl+Shift+W

7. Save
7. Ctrl+S

8. Save As
8. Ctrl+Shift+S

9. Save a Copy
9. Ctrl+Alt+S

10. Save for Web
10. Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S

11. Page Setup
11. Ctrl+Shift+P

12. Jump to Image Ready
12. Ctrl+Shift+M

13. Exit
13. Ctrl+Q

Edit Menu


1. Undo
1. Ctrl+Z

2. Step Back (History)
2. Ctrl+Alt+Z

3. Step Forward (History)
3. Ctrl+Shift+Z

4. Cut
4. Ctrl+X

5. Copy
5. Ctrl+C

6. Copy Merged
6. Ctrl+Shift+C

7. Paste
7. Ctrl+V

8. Paste Into
8. Ctrl+Shift+V

9. Free Transform
9. Ctrl+T

Image Menu


1. Adjust Levels
1. Ctrl+L

2. Adjust Auto Levels
2. Ctrl+Shift+L

3. Adjust Auto Contrast
3. Ctrl+Alt+Shift+L

4. Adjust Curves
4. Ctrl+M

5. Adjust Color Balance
5. Ctrl+B

6. Adjust Hue/Saturation
6. Ctrl+U

7. Desaturate
7. Ctrl+Shift+U

8. Invert
8. Ctrl+I

9. Extract
9. Ctrl+Alt+X

Layer Menu


1. New Layer
1. Ctrl+Shift+N

2. Layer via Copy
2. Ctrl+J

3. Layer via Cut
3. Ctrl+Shift+J

4. Group with Previous
4. Ctrl+G

5. Bring to Front
5. Ctrl+Shift+]

6. Bring Forward
6. Ctrl+]

7. Send Backward
7. Ctrl+[

8. Send Back
8. Ctrl+Shift+[

9. Merge Layers
9. Ctrl+E

10. Merge Visible
10. Ctrl+Shift+E

Select Menu


1. Select All
1. Ctrl+A

2. Deselect
2. Ctrl+D

3. Reselect
3. Ctrl+Shift+D

4. Inverse
4. Ctrl+Shift+I

5. Feather
5. Ctrl+Alt+D

Filters Menu


1. Last Filter
1. Ctrl+F

2. Fade
2. Ctrl+Shift+F

3. Extract
3. Ctrl+Alt+X

4. Liquify
4. Ctrl+Shift+X

5. Pattern Maker
5. Ctrl+Shift+Alt+X

View Menu


1. Proof Colors
1. Ctrl+Y

2. Zoom In
2. Ctrl++

3. Zoom Out
3. Ctrl+-

4. Zoom In & Resize Window
4. Ctrl+Alt++

5. Zoom Out & Resize Window
5. Ctrl+Alt+-

6. Actual Pixels
6. Ctrl+Alt+0

7. Show/Hide Target Path
7. Ctrl+Shift+H

8. Show/Hide Rulers
8. Ctrl+R

9. On/Off Snap
9. Ctrl+Shift+;

10. Show/Hide Extras
10. Ctrl+H

11. Lock Guides
11. Ctrl+Alt+;

12. Show Guides
12. Ctrl+;

13. Show Grid
13. Ctrl+'

Misc. Shortcuts


1. Fill with Forground Color
1. Alt+Backspace

2. Fill with Background Color
2. Shift+Backspace

3. Ascend through Layers
3. Alt+]

4. Descend through Layers
4. Alt+[

5. Select Top Layer
5. Shift+Alt+]

6. Select Bottom Layer
6. Shift+Alt+[

7. Show/Hide All Palettes
7. Tab
Title: Re: các phím tắt hay dùng của Photoshop
Post by: vitconhocve on 06/08/07, 13:13
Rất hữu ích đấy.